Installing Magento Add-on for Conzent
This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing the Magento Add-on for
Begin by downloading your Magento Conzent plugin modules and extracting the files in your public root folder.
Once the installation is complete, log in to your backend in the Magento back office.
Navigate to Store Configuration.
Within the configuration section, locate the Conzent Settings.
In the settings, ensure you fill up the following information:
Website Key
Your Google Account ID
Google Tag Account
Data Layer
After entering the information, click on Save Settings.
Once you have saved your settings, clear your Magento cache. You should then uncheck the settings on your front end.
Upon completion, the Magento conzent banner will be displayed on your front end.
By following these steps, you will successfully install the Magento Add-on for